Rhinoplasty - Reasons for a Nose Job

Posted October 27, 2023
Why to have a nose job

Patients who want to make a change to the size, appearance, or look of their nose often turn to rhinoplasty to achieve the desired appearance to their nose. The changes to the nose are made by a plastic surgeon who is qualified, board-certified, and trained in modifying the bone and/or cartilage in the nose. Interested in learning about the reasons for a nose job? Let’s get started with this examination of rhinoplasty from Cosmetic Town TV:

Rhinoplasty – Benefits Examined

Patients decide to have rhinoplasty to repair the damage from a nose injury or nose trauma. They can also make a decision to change its look because they are unhappy with the appearance of the nose, or they want to have the procedure to address functional issues such as their ability to breathe on a regular basis.

Some of the common changes that can be made to the nose through rhinoplasty include changing the size or shape of the nose, giving the bridge of the nose a straighter look, giving the nostrils a narrower look, and altering the shape of the tip of the nose or changing the angle of the nose.

There are other benefits to the surgery that go beyond the physical and aesthetic changes to the nose as seen below:

Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty – Are There Any Risks?

In general, any surgical procedure contains some level of risk such as swelling, bruising, numbness, and an infection. When it comes to rhinoplasty, the risks include nosebleeds, difficulty with breathing, scarring, and asymmetrical results.

If the patient is not happy with the results, such as the nose having an asymmetrical appearance, the person can have rhinoplasty revision, but they need to wait until the nose is fully healed from the initial surgery.

Rhinoplasty – How Is it Performed by a Surgeon?

The rhinoplasty process begins with a consultation appointment with the doctor of choice. The surgeon will examine the current condition of the nose and also take photos of the nose from various angles to get a better idea of the size and shape of the nose.

The surgery starts with the administering of anesthesia, so the patient is able to remain comfortable during the procedure. Then, the surgeon makes a series of incisions inside the nostrils or between the nostrils (depending on if the doctor is performing open rhinoplasty or closed rhinoplasty). The skin in the targeted area of the nose will be separated from the bone or cartilage so the task of reshaping the nose can begin.

If the desired look to the nose needs some amount of additional cartilage, the doctor might remove cartilage from another part of the body such as the ear. If there is a need for additional bone in the nose, a bone graft can be performed where the surgeon adds additional bone or an implant into the nose.

Rhinoplasty – Recovery and Results Overview

Once the surgery is over, the doctor might place a splint made of metal or plastic on the nose. The splint is put in place to help the nose retain its new shape during the healing process. In addition, the surgeon could place a nasal pack inside the nostrils to stabilize the septum AKA the area of the nose located between the nostrils.

The patient should be able to go home the same day as the surgery, but they will need someone to drive them due to the anesthesia in their system. Once the patient returns home, they will want to elevate their head above their chest to help reduce any swelling or bleeding. Any splints, dressings, and nasal packs need to remain in place for about a week after the procedure. The stitches could be absorbable which means they will dissolve on their own. If the stitches are traditional stitches, the surgeon will remove them about a week after the procedure.

During the recovery period, the patient should avoid any strenuous physical activities as well as avoid blowing their nose. They should not rest their eyeglasses on their head or wear clothing that needs to be pulled over the head. Too much exposure to the sun can also provide a permanent amount of discoloration of the skin around the nose.

Any discoloration around the eyes or swelling can be addressed by applying ice packs or cold compresses to the impacted areas.

The patient should be able to return to activities such as school or work after a week as long as they follow the post-op instructions from the surgeon. Overall, it could take up to a year to see the final results of the surgery due to swelling.

The final results of rhinoplasty are permanent which means they will last a lifetime. As long as the patient does not experience any kind of accident or trauma to the nose or damage the nose in some manner, the changes made to the nose via rhinoplasty should provide a lifetime change in its size, shape, or appearance.

- MA


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